
Divorce Mediation or Divorce Litigation - Which Will Work Best for You

1. What is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is a voluntary, confidential and structured process in which spouses who are seeking divorce come together in a safe, comfortable setting and communicate with the help of a Mediator "a trained neutral". Discussions take place in an environment that fosters open communication and covers all the necessary issues that need to be addressed so that they (the parties) can reach a self-made, forward looking agreement that will be accepted by the Court. 2. What is Divorce Litigation? Divorce litigation is a legal process in which spouses seeking divorce choose their own individual Attorneys to represent them in their divorce proceedings. All communications, correspondence and exchange of information takes place between the Attorneys. Divorce litigation involves an involved discovery process, an exchange of financial information and other mandatory disclosure requirements, interrogatories, request for production of documents, deposition